Spring Recital Bookings: Now Open!

It’s August 1st, our annual opening day for all area piano teachers who wish to book recital time at our hall for the following year, Spring 2012.  Over the years, PianoWorks performance hall has become not only popular, but important in the local community as the premier recital venue in Atlanta.  Our hall, which regularly seats 120, is always outfitted with world class concert grand pianos.  Performers enjoy the intimate setting, the friendly atmosphere, and the terrific acoustics.  August 1st is all about booking that time slot.

(PianoWorks parking lot, August 1, 2011 9:00 am – FULL of piano teacher cars.  For regular store hours, we open at 10:00 am)

Area teachers have learned to show up early as the most popular times (April & May weekends) go early.  Spring Recitals aren’t just in Spring anymore as the seasonal demand now ranges from March to June.  Today, PianoWorks opened its doors at 8:30, but some teachers showed up still earlier to take their place in line.  Before 10:00 am, 25 teachers had booked their chosen times.  PianoWorks offers extended hours from mid-April to mid-June to accomodate nearly 100 recitals, competitions, and auditions during that time.

So book now, plan ahead and keep in mind that some piano teachers have already set their date.  We want your events to be the most successful they can be.

**UPDATE** 12:00 pm – We’re just a few hours in and the weekend timeslots in April & May are booked.  There are still times available, but you should act now!

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