Dekra, globally recognized certification organization, has audited and has certified Grotrian Piano Company GmbH as ISO 9001:2008. This certification states that Grotrian Piano Company has established and maintains a quality management system in the areas of Development, Construction, Production & Service of musical instruments, particularly grand and upright pianos.
What does this mean for you? Grotrian has developed a lasting reputation for producing the highest quality pianos in the world. The are consistently rated highest in performance quality and prestige. Not satisfied to rest on this reputation, Grotrian invited auditors to take a clinical look at their processes for quality and efficiency right on their factory floor in Germany. They received this prestigious certificate for what they do every day.
2015 marks the 180th Anniversary of Grotrian Pianos (established 1835). They continue to be one of the oldest family owned piano makers in the world. For your next piano, consider Grotrian grand or upright pianos available at PianoWorks.
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