Casio has making keyboards for 30 years now, and when the bean-counters reviewed their books, they found that Casio had produced over 70 million keyboards & musical instruments. 70,000,000 ?!?! Casio has committed to making good quality, always affordable digital pianos and keyboards, and with those numbers, they have changed the world. Marking their anniversary, in contrast to their usual mass produced efficiency, Casio has created a limited edition (just 2000 worldwide) digital piano with a polished ebony finish befitting a grand piano. The Casio Celviano AP-6 is beautiful…and our small allotment arrived today!
The Celviano AP-6 is based on their flagship AP-620 design. Like the AP-620, the AP-6 is full of great features you can read all about, but I want to keep this a blog and not just a sales pitch. Casio also introduced another limited edition stage piano today, the Privia PX-3. I’m speculating, but if this model is successful, I can see Casio putting some future pressure on the established stage piano brands in the same way their successful Privia & Celviano lines have in the digital piano market. People like Casio, and with their great instruments of recent years, they can also take them as a serious contenders in the home market for digital pianos. A digital piano like the AP-6 makes a statement, “Casio makes beautiful contemporary pianos that consumers are proud to display in their homes.” Okay, that’s my statement, but it’s just as true as their old statement, “We’re good…just look at our low price!”
Casio is an ally to consumers during tough financial times. Just today, 3 career piano technicians sat around a table in my store after hours and all agreed that they’d rather see their customers buy a good digital piano to start with rather than the terrible hand-me-downs and neglected, unwanted pianos that are financial mistakes. They went on to share a few recent horror stories where a family would’ve been better off with something like our Casio & Roland digital pianos. At the risk of taking a few less calls to tune-up grandma’s old clunker, these tuners, like me, would prefer to see customers evolve with us. Casio’s improved products now dominate the market especially $1000 and under. The AP-6 is now Casio’s top of the line product, but has kept a street price of below $2000. Remarkable.
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